organoid_tracker.gui.action module
- organoid_tracker.gui.action.about_the_program()
- organoid_tracker.gui.action.ask_exit(gui_experiment: GuiExperiment)
Asks to save unsaved changes, then exits.
- organoid_tracker.gui.action.ask_save_unsaved_changes(tabs: Iterable[SingleGuiTab]) bool
If there are any unsaved changes, this method will prompt the user to save them. Returns True if the user either successfully saved the data, or if the user doesn’t want to save. Returns False if the action must be aborted.
- organoid_tracker.gui.action.export_links_ctc(experiment: Experiment)
- organoid_tracker.gui.action.export_links_guizela(experiment: Experiment)
- organoid_tracker.gui.action.export_links_trackmate(experiment: Experiment)
- organoid_tracker.gui.action.export_positions(experiment: Experiment)
- organoid_tracker.gui.action.load_images(window: Window)
Prompts the image loader, and loads the images into the experiment.
- organoid_tracker.gui.action.save_tracking_data(window: Window, force_save_as: bool = False) bool
Saves the tracking data of the currently open tab. Prompts the user if no previous file name is known, or if force_save_as is True. Updates the status bar afterwards. Returns whether saving was successful.
- organoid_tracker.gui.action.save_tracking_data_of_tab(tab: SingleGuiTab, force_save_as: bool = False)
Saves the tracking data of the given tab. Prompts the user if no previous file name is known, or if force_save_as is True. Returns whether saving was successful.
- organoid_tracker.gui.action.show_manual()
- organoid_tracker.gui.action.to_experiment_list_file_structure(tabs: Iterable[SingleGuiTab]) Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]]
Prompts the user to save an unsaved changes, and then exports the currently open tabs to a data structure suitable for JSON. If the user cancels the operation, then None is returned.