organoid_tracker.position_analysis.position_markers module
Additional metadata of a position, like the cell type or the fluorescent intensity.
- organoid_tracker.position_analysis.position_markers.get_normalized_intensity(experiment: Experiment, position: Position) Optional[float]
@deprecated Old method, please use intensity_calculator.get_normalized_intensity instead.
- organoid_tracker.position_analysis.position_markers.get_position_flags(experiment: Experiment) Iterable[str]
Gets all used position flags of the experiment. These are simply all keys in experiment.position_data with the bool data type. In addition, the special flag UNCERTAIN_MARKER is always returned, as that flag is used in the error checker.
- organoid_tracker.position_analysis.position_markers.get_position_type(position_data: PositionData, position: Position) Optional[str]
Gets the type of the cell in UPPERCASE, interpreted as the intestinal organoid cell type.
- organoid_tracker.position_analysis.position_markers.get_position_types(position_data: PositionData, positions: Set[Position]) Dict[Position, Optional[str]]
Gets all known cell types of the given positions, with the names in UPPERCASE.
- organoid_tracker.position_analysis.position_markers.get_positions_of_type(position_data: PositionData, requested_type: str) Iterable[Position]
Gets all positions of the requested cell type.
- organoid_tracker.position_analysis.position_markers.get_raw_intensity(position_data: PositionData, position: Position) Optional[float]
Gets the raw intensity of the position.
- organoid_tracker.position_analysis.position_markers.set_position_type(position_data: PositionData, position: Position, type: Optional[str])
Sets the type of the cell. Set to None to delete the cell type.