organoid_tracker.plugin.instance module
Module containing plugin-related code.
- class organoid_tracker.plugin.instance.Plugin
Represents a plugin. Plugins can add new data visualizers or provide support for more file types. Instead of writing a plugin, you can also write a script that uses the classes in core and imaging.
- get_commands() Dict[str, Callable[[List[str]], int]]
Used to add new command-line tools. Returns a dict: {“COMMAND NAME”: callable(args)}. Those are called using python [COMMAND NAME] [ARGS]. Command names are case sensitive and should be lower case. The command callable takes a list of args, and returns a status code: 0 for success, anything else is an error code. This error code is passed to the operating system.
Used to add menu items that must always be visible. Example:
- return {
“File//Import-Import my format… [Ctrl+W]”: lambda: my_code_here(), “View//Analysis-Useful analysis screen here…”: lambda: my_other_code_here()
- reload()
Reloads this plugin from disk.