organoid_tracker.imaging.trackmate_io module
The TrackMate file format works as follows:
XML file with a root tag “TrackMate” <TrackMate version=”3.6.0”> - Subtag “Model”: <Model spatialunits=”µm” timeunits=”frame”>
- Some default tags:
- <FeatureDeclarations>
<SpotFeatures /> <EdgeFeatures /> <TrackFeatures />
The positions: <AllSpots nspots=”1234”>
- <SpotsInFrame frame=”1”>
- <Spot FRAME=”1” ID=”1668” POSITION_T=”1.0” POSITION_X=”49.24473640416” POSITION_Y=”51.907814350324756”
POSITION_Z=”64.18574949599984” QUALITY=”-1.0” RADIUS=”3” VISIBILITY=”1” name=”1668” />
The links: <AllTracks>
- <Track TRACK_ID=”1” name=”1”>
<Edge SPOT_SOURCE_ID=”1668” SPOT_TARGET_ID=”1693” /> …
</Track> ..
</AllTracks> <FilteredTracks>
<TrackID TRACK_ID=”1” />
Subtag “Settings” - Subtag <ImageData filename=”a.xml” folder=”” height=”512” nframes=”326” nslices=”32” pixelheight=”0.32”
pixelwidth=”0.32” voxeldepth=”2.0” timeinterval=”12” width=”512” />
- Other tags to keep Trackmate happy:
<InitialSpotFilter feature=”QUALITY” isabove=”true” value=”0.0” /> <SpotFilterCollection /> <TrackFilterCollection /> <AnalyzerCollection>
<SpotAnalyzers /> <EdgeAnalyzers>
<Analyzer key=”Edge target” />
</EdgeAnalyzers> <TrackAnalyzers />
Subtag “GUIState” <GUIState state=”ConfigureViews”>
- organoid_tracker.imaging.trackmate_io.load_data_file(file_name: str, min_time_point: int, max_time_point: int, experiment: Optional[Experiment] = None) Experiment
Loads an XML file in the TrackMate format.
- organoid_tracker.imaging.trackmate_io.save_tracking_data(experiment: Experiment, output_file: str)
Saves the tracking data to the TrackMate format, used by TrackMate, MaMut, Mastodon, LFTree and others.